For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
There are many opportunities to volunteer at NPCC. We have many ministries you can join along with other opportunities to serve as well.
NPCC Ministries
NPCC ministries exist to spread the good news and love of the kingdom in a variety of different ways. Please feel free to get involved in kingdom work today!
There are many opportunities to serve on our worship committee. You can volunteer your services to share special music during our worship service. We would love someone to help run our sound board or help with our livestream service. If you would like to volunteer in any way, see Dennis Spears.
Our evangelism committee exists to spread the good news of the gospel to our community and surrounding counties through various programs. Feel free to join our evangelism committee and help us take the gospel to our neighbors.
Food Pantry
Our food pantry is stocked and ready to help anyone in need. We have frozen items along with canned and boxed goods.
Visiting Ministry
This ministry exists to go visit those in our congregation that cannot make it to our building for normal services. See Janice Wilson or Carolyn Laker if you would like to help with this ministry.
NPCC supports many different missions here in the US and around the world. If you would like to volunteer and help with this ministry, please see John or Bonnie Williams.
Fellowship and Hospitality
This ministry helps with different meals at church. They help with various church pitch-ins and funeral meals. If you would like to help with this ministry please contact Teddie Records.
Exercise Group
We have an exercise group that meets at church twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 9 am. Any and everyone are invited to join.
Youth Groups
NPCC offers youth groups for all school-aged children. We have elementary, jr. high, and high school youth groups. We meet on Sunday nights starting at 4 pm. We offer supper for everyone in attendance at 5 pm. If you would like to volunteer to help with any of our youth groups you can talk to Marilyn Shafer, Kyle or Lindsay Klene, Autumn or Keegan Morgan, or Dennis Spears.